Maintain Inventory Categories

From the menu bar, click Maintenance > Inventory Maintenance > Maintain Inventory Categories or press Alt N I M on the keyboard.

"Maintain Inventory Categories" should be used to add, modify or delete your inventory categories. Inventory categories are used to classify the various types of inventory you stock. Classifying your inventory aids when displaying and reporting. Inventory categories are required to be established before inventory is entered.

Note: "Establish Inventory Categories" on the Admin menu should be used to first establish your categories and sub categories, prior to entering inventory. Once the categories have been established and if it is necessary to modify them, use "Maintain Inventory Categories" to do so.  It is not recommended that you change a category description or remove a category once inventory has been entered into AIMsi and assigned to the category.

The inventory category table also holds accounting information that is referred to any time a transaction is made involving an inventory category, for example, when receiving, selling and returning inventory. Tri-Tech highly recommends establishing the proper accounting information even if you are not using the accounting portion of AIMsi.